Saturday, April 04, 2009

Pageant Over, Packing It All Away

It seems easy enough when making out the list.  Come home, unpack suitcases (yes, there were several!), and put away "all things pageant" after the big night, and crowning my successor.  

Or so I thought...
As if on cue, the door bell rang right as all the "pageanty" things were scattered about the living room waiting to go upstairs.  How do you hide a 3 1/2 X 4 foot poster sign, crown box, banner, and assorted gifts and goodies all bearing "Mrs. Oregon" references in 30 seconds or less?  You don't...
In the mean time, I am trying to figure out what one does with a 3 1/2 X 4 foot poster sign and all the other things that came with being Mrs. Oregon for a year.  Since our youngest recently moved to Capitol Hill, I highjacked her room including the closet (sorry, Hilary!).  For now, it looks like everything is put away.
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