Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Beauty Queen and a Psychic Medium team up to help the Children's Miracle Network

Ms Shoreline 2009 Marie-Lynn Piscitelli, had a hunch after seeing Psychic Medium Angelina Diana deliver messages of hope and connection through her readings.

"I met Psychic Medium Angelina Diana at a fundraiser last year in North Haven, CT. She was such a hit at the that fundraiser that I thought we would be able to generate the same success for Childrens Miracle Network."
Children's Miracle Network is the national platform of the Miss America Organization which Piscitelli has decided to have as the beneficiary of this event. She will vie for the Miss Connecticut title in June. If she win, she will go on to compete in the nationally-televised Miss America pageant.
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1 comment:

Rev. Lynn said...

Great Idea......wish you the best.