Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blogs get it wrong: Blog posts that call Miss USA the Miss America Pageant

I thought I would collect a number of blog posts that just plain wanted to sound sanctimonious about the Miss USA pageant--except they called it Miss America...not even realizing there is a difference. I admit it always makes me giggle.

Who continues to watch crap like the Miss America Pageant? Who, other than people who work for Mattel or who own Mattel stock, likes to watch these Barbie shows brought to life. With big perky boobs and long legs as if off the same assembly line these Stepford Wives wannabes come from a very narrow definition of what it means to be beautiful deeply rooted in an appreciation for Caucasoid standards of beauty. I have to admit I watched this horse and pony show about four decades ago. I couldn’t even tell you who was strutting her stuff across that stage then.

blog it

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