Saturday, January 27, 2007 - Former Miss Nevada Goes 'On the Record' - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta - Former Miss Nevada Goes 'On the Record' - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta: "Former Miss Nevada Goes 'On the Record'

Friday, January 26, 2007


This is a partial transcript from 'On the Record,' January 25, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Take a young beauty queen, a pageant winner, toss in some raunchy photos, a few rumors, and what do you get? One racy scandal.

You know this one. When sexy pix of Miss Nevada surfaced, they landed Katie Rees in very steamy hot water.

The pictures? They were old. But Katie, out in the cold. Yes, the Rees reign ended. Donald trump took her tiara. She's fired. Not fair, Katie says. Miss USA, Tara Conner, got rehab and a second chance.

The scandal started last month, but it's far from over. Katie isn't just speaking out. She's now fighting back too. And the former Miss Nevada is right here to go 'On the Record.'

Joining us are former Miss Nevada, Katie Rees, and her attorney Mario Torres. Welcome to both of you.

Katie, what happened?

KATIE REES, FORMER MISS NEVADA: Gosh, I don't know. I just thought I was being a regular girl, having a good time with my friends. Next thing I know, it was the biggest, hot scandal."

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