Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My big night with McNaught

SYDNEY schoolboy Jordan Avramides was "a bit bummed" when Jennifer Hawkins took up Bathurst lad Daniel Dibley's invitation to go to a school formal.

Jordan had also written the beauty queen a letter but had been rejected because Hawkins had filming commitments.

Enter Hawko's understudy, Miss Universe Australia 2006, Erin McNaught.

McNaught, 24, is now off to the Trinity Grammar School Year 10 formal in November as Jordan's date - and the 16-year-old is "totally'' stoked.

"I know her from the watching the news and seeing all the stuff about the photos,'' Jordan said of the topless shoot which earned the Miss Universe contestant the nickname "McNaughty''.

"She's cute. Let's hope she's a nice one too,'' he said. "My mates are on the formal committee and they choose the tables so they're loving it. Dad's pretty happy too. He's baggsed driving us there.''

The only hurdle was the girl he'd already invited before McNaught agreed to step in.

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