Friday, December 11, 2009

A Courageous Beauties Interview: Mrs. North Dakota International 2008-Angela Smith

So this interview will be interesting for you because we both have the same name. I've put the last name initial in each time so I hope not to confuse anyone :-) A very inspiring interview!
Angela S: I have always loved watching pageants as a girl.
The grace and poise the young ladies showed on TV was something I aspired to have but never dreamed I'd actually compete.
Then just before my 16th birthday my family moved to Wisconsin and my grandpa suggested I enter the local fair pageant as a way to meet girls my age and get involved in the area. I had a wonderful time getting to know the girls and won the title of Miss Congeniality. Which won me a place on court and allowed me to spend the summer visiting area community festivals. 
Angela S: My platform is titled Victims' Voices: Helping victims of domestic violence to find hope and healing through the power of  their voice.
 blog it

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