Monday, March 02, 2009

Go Red Casting Call

OK I am a little behind with posting I need photos sent to me which Joan was great at sending but then needed to free up memory space so I could save them and upload them, isn't technology fun? So here it is almost a month later I am FINALLY updating you on the Go Red casting call we had on January 30 at West Acres.

Everyone wants a turn.

It's my turn!

At days end we set the crown on my head and snapped a picture, what a GREAT DAY!

Overall as you can see it was a well received, well attended and really fun event. I hope the others involved feel the same way and hey if you have ideas to improve heart health post them as a comment and I'll post an updated list in a new post.
So until next time: Remember it's your heart, your choice! If you don't choose to make it a priority no one else will.

 blog it

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