Sunday, May 20, 2007

Miss America requiring "donations"

Well, finally I found the website everyone was telling me about:

This is the fairly secret website new MAO contestants are herded to this year to make their application fees, er, I mean, donations to Children's Miracle Network for competing this year. It outlines the finer point of spamming your friends in e-mail, and how to apply pressure to get those donations.

Sure, MAO was the only national pageant not charging fees to compete so this is not that amazing of a development BUT pretending it is simply a donation--even when they tell you exactly how much you are to "raise"--just isn't honest. For crying out loud, get rid of this mantra of "we're a scholarship system" and admit to being a beauty pageant and get it over with.

This is like watching someone getting stretched on the rack. Just get it over with, like ripping a bandage off a wound. You'll feel better once you've admitted it.

Tim Kretschmann, host

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