Monday, February 22, 2010

Alyce Designs PodCast

It's all in the family. Our newest Pageantry PodCast brings you behind the scenes as we visit with Rene Hamm of Alyce Designs. It's all here... from their humble beginnings in 1967 to the multi-line design house of today, Alyce Designs explains its secrets of longevity and the importance of today's fashions

Click here for the Pageantry PodCast interview with Alyce Designs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Outstanding! I have modeled for Alyce and I can only tell you they are AWESOME DESIGNS!!! Every time I model their designs...I want ALL of them!!!! My first prom I wore an Alyce gown and felt as if I had the best gown at prom...Continued beautiful designs from Alyce!!
Dani Hanna Feigenberg