Sunday, February 08, 2009

Janet Ivey-National American Miss Emcess Wins Emmy!

And the winner is…Janet Ivey! 

Last night the Mid-South Emmy’s awards ceremony took place in Nashville, TN.  Our pageant friend and emcee Janey Ivey was nominated for 2 Emmys, Informational/Instructional Program and Informational/Instructional Series.  Janet is the founder, creator and host of a show the airs on Nashville Public Television called Janet’s Planet.  A dynamic and fast-paced series of one-to-two minute spots are created for kids ages seven to ten.  They focus on scientific and historical facts and events. You can also catch her on her website for Janet’s Planet

This was not Janet’s first Emmy.  She was honored with her first Emmy 1997 for her roles as co-writer and on-camera talent for The Opryland Kid’s Club Video.  She also won an Emmy in the Best Children’s Video Category.  In 2003, Janet won another Emmy in the Children’s Educational Category for her Janet’s Planet productions.

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