Tuesday, October 13, 2009


clipped from mncips.blogspot.com
Tie a yellow ribbon around your finger, mark your calenders, set your PDAS! Dont miss it!
OUR FIRST phone conference of the season is HERE!
North and South Carolina International Pageant State Titleholders and Executive State Director, Joy Pfister, get together on this Open Forum Phone Conference to Dish the Skinny on the upcoming pageant, what it takes to become a state titleholder, how you can participate, and a Q and A session as we answer your most burning questions. If you are competing or thinking about competing, this call is for you! Expect the call to last about 45 minutes to one hour. Won't you join us?
Title: EPISODE1 - Lets Dish-International Style!
Time: 10/25/2009 09:00 PM EDT
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 33404
Follow the prompts
 blog it

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