Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Miss America pageants nationally and locally to see changes

The Standard Democrat:

Scott Welton

SIKESTON — Miss America pageants will be different this year - and not only at the national level.

“Miss America has moved to County Music Television, CMT. That is a big change,” said Vivian Johnson, executive director of Miss Sikeston Winter Princess pageants. “For us locally, the big change is we’ve added Miss Missouri Outstanding Teen.”

The 14th annual Miss Sikeston Winter Princess Scholarship pageant, a preliminary for Miss Missouri and Miss America, is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11 at the Albritton-Mayer Center for the Arts.

The Miss Missouri Outstanding Teen pageant will run simultaneously with the Miss Sikeston Winter Princess Pageant. The winners will represent Sikeston next June in Mexico, Mo., in the Miss Missouri and Miss Outstanding Teen pageants.

As Sikeston hosts an open pageant, all women in Missouri ages 17 to 24 are invited to compete in the Miss Pageant and all young women in Missouri ages 13 to 17 who are not a graduating senior are invited to compete in the Outstanding Teen Pageant.

“We know they have gained a lot of experience from this competition as well as generous scholarships so the Miss America organization wants to get the young ladies 13 to 17 involved and prepared to compete in the scholarship pageant eventually,” said Johnson, speaking for the all-volunteer Board of Directors. “We have watched them over the years and seen how, when they are on a job interview, it helps them. Job interviews are easy, a piece of cake, after doing this.”"

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