Thursday, May 31, 2007

Did Miss Universe Riyo Mori Have Plastic Surgery?

Posted on May 31st, 2007 in Celebrity Plastic Surgery, Asian Plastic Surgery by Lisa Stern
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Some people are speculating that Riyo Mori, the newly crowned Miss Universe from Japan has had plastic surgery. Looking at Riyo Mori’s stunning round eyes, some people are wondering if she had a double-eyelid surgery in which a fold is created in her eyes to achieve a double-eyelid and rounder, bigger-looking eyes.

(read rest of article below image)

Miss Universe, Plastic Surgery, Riyo Mori

The double-eyelid procedure is the most popular cosmetic surgery performed on Asians in the world, as it creates a crease in the eye for individuals born with a mono-lid.

Whether or not Riyo Mori has had a double-eyelid surgery is not confirmed, but if she had the surgery the results look definitively natural. If Miss Universe indeed had cosmetic surgery, the eyelid surgery has preserved her ethnic appearance and has not overly “westernized” her look. The double eyelid surgery often creates a rounder, bigger appearance of the eyes and looks more “western” than a monolid (read an extensive feature article about Asian plastic surgery procedures).
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Unknown said...

Those are pictures of Honey Lee, Miss Korea. And it definitely looks like she's had plastic surgery.

Shannaerys said...

mm yea definitely honey lee, miss KOREA. not miss universe -.-;