Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Namiss Pageant Queens at Miss America

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Our National Office does a lot of great things for all of our royalty every year including setting up a trip to the Miss American Pageant in Las Vegas! Here is a picture of Dawn Lee Costa, National Royalty Coordinator and Lakishia Edwards, Director of Marketing with Julia Gavriliuc, your National American Miss Oregon Jr. Pre-Teen Queen in Vegas.

After the Miss America Pageant a group of National American Miss representatives gathered outside on the steps for this great group shot. All of the girls had a blast watching the pageant together. A few of our girls had even come in from Indiana to support their hometown girl, Katie Stam, who as you remember ended up winning the Miss America title! Talk about making the trip more exciting!
Just another awesome opportunity these young ladies had by being a part of the Namiss pageant system.

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