Friday, July 03, 2009

Katherine Putnam, Miss Louisiana 2009: She’s Got What It Takes

It takes more than just a pretty face to win a title in the Miss America Pageant system and Katherine Putnam, the new Miss Louisiana, is not just pretty, but pretty smart!

I first met Katherine at the Miss America Pageant in Las Vegas this past January.  I spoke to hundreds of people there when I was launching my book, Pretty Smart: Lessons from our Miss Americas.  But Katherine stood out.  Not only was she charming and articulate, but I could sense the fire that burned within her to pursue her goal of becoming Miss Louisiana and then Miss America as a springboard to her future.

Me and Katherine Putnam at the Miss America Pageant

In April, my email held a Facebook message from Katherine.  In it she wrote: “You may not remember me, but we met at Miss America.  I am currently on Lesson 8 of ‘Pretty Smart’ and I simply can’t put it down!  It’s like you wrote it just for me. Like the remarkable women you wrote about, I have had big dreams since I was a little girl, and, for the first time I feel free to go after them with all my heart.”

 blog it

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