Monday, March 15, 2010

America's 50s Crowns Rose Festival Senior Queen

For over 100 years one of the biggest annual events on the west coast is the Portland Rose Festival.  For a few weeks in June, Portland becomes the mythical realm of Rosaria reigned over by junior and senior queens in a celebration of the beauty of the rose that grows so prolifically in our region.
What girl doesn't love wearing a sparklie crown on her head regardless of how long she has been on this earth?  So it was as the ladies of Springfield Marquis gathered on Friday for the crowning of their Rose festival senior queen's court representative.  As the Beauties of America's 50s queen I was thrilled when I was asked to join in the crowning of their  queen.
Bruni Patterson (picture with me on right), activities director, and her staff had the center beautifully decorated with balloons and of course, gorgeous pink and red roses.  Residents from the center gathered to enjoy live music, refreshments, and sit in anticipation of who would be crowned queen.
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