Mrs. Oklahoma International Pageant: Bartlesville preliminary pageant announced
Oklahoma International Pageants is please to announce a Bartlesville preliminary pageant which will be held at the Bartlesville Community Center on January 24, 2009. This pageant is an official preliminary to the Mrs. Oklahoma, Miss Oklahoma, Miss Teen Oklahoma, and Miss Jr. Teen Oklahoma International Pageants and 4 queens will be crowned that day.
Competitions at the Bartlesville pageant will include:
On-stage platform presentation - all contestants
Aerobic wear - Mrs., Miss, Miss Teen contestants
Fun fashion wear - Miss, Miss Teen and Miss Jr. Teen contestants
Evening wear - all contestants
Contestants in the Mrs. division must be married and between the ages of 21-56. Miss Oklahoma contestants must be between the ages of 19-29 and unmarried, Miss Teen Oklahoma contestants must be between the ages of 13-18, and Miss Jr. Teen contestants must be between 10-12.
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