Sunday, January 31, 2010
Ratings for Miss America pageant eroding
Miss Virginia Caressa Cameron and Miss America 2010: Cameron Wins $50,000 Scholarship Amidst Sliding Ratings
Miss America Crowned; Whatever Happened To Beauty Pageants?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Engaged! 2009 Miss America Katie Stam’s boyfriend proposes
Amazing Race: Caitlin Upton (Photos) Ex-Beauty Contestant Signs On for 2010
Ex-beauty contestant Caitlin Upton (pictured) is part of the newly announced cast for the 16th installment of Amazing Race for 2010. Upton is a YouTube classic and "the Miss Teen USA 2007 pageant contestant who's most famous for a rambling, incoherent response during the pageant" is ready to race, reports the Huffington Post.
Are You the NEXT Miss America
Do you ever look at the girls whom compete for the Miss America crown on television and think to yourself, "I could do that." Or have you been competing in the Miss America system and wonder to yourself, "Do I really have what it takes to be the next Miss America? |
A Miss America 2010 Primer
Miss America 2010 Gets a Dose of Reality
Miss America 2010: Who gets the tiara?
Miss America 2010 Contestants Swimsuit Photos: Pictures of Miss USA Preliminary Talent Competition (Video)
Who Killed Miss America?
In 1991, when Katie Stam was just 5 years old, growing up in Seymour, Ind., you could spy the pint-size beauty cutting cereal boxes into princess crowns and fashioning sashes out of thick ribbons with her favorite cousin. You could also spy Stam, in mid-September of that year, watching her beloved Miss America pageant on NBC with 26.7 million other television viewers. “We would pretend we were Miss America,” she remembers fondly, noting that her family gathered around the television annually for the show. “We had the most amazing connection with the pageant. It was such a big deal to us.” And to the rest of the country. The Miss America pageant was a true television event, close to the Oscars and the Super Bowl. |
Miss Cheshire Catriona Cameron of Runcorn aims at Miss Galaxy 2010 title
Miss America 2010: Already loving Miss Kentucky
Miss America 2010, hosted by Mario Lopez and What Not To Wear’s Clinton Kelly, airs live Saturday at 8 p.m. ET on TLC. Below is an interview reel featuring a few of the contestants speaking about the scholarship program. Early favorite: Miss Kentucky Mallory Ervin. For starters, her name is Mallory, which, of course, makes you think of Family Ties. Then, you’ve got her non-pageant posture — she’s almost hunching in her director’s chair. Then, she somehow manages to explain how nice all the contestants are in a way that doesn’t make you want to slap her. “I know you all watch the pageant, and think Ohmygosh, I wonder what’s goin’ on when they walk off the stage.
Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening for Johnny Rockets Restaurant
Interview With Miss Universe Stefania Fernandez